Saturday, April 5, 2008

Dinah Shore 2008: Unbelievable

The L Word Press Conference, care of

Darlings, I haven't blogged because it's been insane here.

Firstly, I just participated in the BE SCENE competition, you know, where you get on stage and act out a scene from THE L WORD in front of Ilene Chaiken and the cast.

I was Shane, of course. Kate Moening kept starring at me like I came from Mars.

Video of that will be up on I suppose soon.

Next I got an incredible interview that is out of this world with Jane Lynch and Lisa Dickey (which includes a musical number- JANE LYNCH SINGS!), and Dani Campbell stopped by our hotel room.

I also interviewed...gosh tons of people! Including Ilene Chaiken and the cast of THE L WORD (plus we videotaped us breaking into the press conference, pictured above!!!).

Tonight I have to figure out how to break into the special VIP party for Pat Benetar. Wish us luck. It's closed to 20 people.

Right now, off to the big LOGO party, the the VIP here! party to catch up with all of their stars.

The report will come soon with tons of scandalous and hysterical video.

I'm so sore. So tired. Must go on

Kissing the air next to your cheek,


3 pithy remarks. Click here to Comment:

Anonymous said...

keep going -- You can DO IT!!

Anonymous said...

You were Shane? You lucky dog, you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the vids and info regarding this year's Dinah! Really appreciate it!