Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Fags vs The Dykes

For the third week in a row, the competition heated up in Karaoke at Fubar between the lesbians and the gay men!

The gay men won this week... by singing lesbian songs!!!

The above shot is what happens when a theatre major from NYU belts out ALL THAT JAZZ...of course, all the boys know the dance moves!

This is our secret weapon, Louise... or as I call her The Angry Irish she belts out CREEP.

Here's the winner singing COME TO MY WINDOW and all the lesbians chanting and raising their lighters.

This is a place where the lesbians and gay men DANCE TOGETHER!

Lisa and Sophie with DANCING QUEEN (I know, how appropriate!)

Enough with the IPHONES!!!!

This is Daniel, who hosts the night. He always makes fun of me because I show up in a suit. Dude, I always stop by after work, of course I'm in my grown up clothes!!!

This is Rebekah Kochan, anyone's secret weapon, as we prepare to sing SUDDENLY SEYMOUR.

Rebekah was in my film, EATING OUT 2 (to rave reviews and a fabulous article in THE ADVOCATE) and is also going to be in my next film, THE ROAD TO DINAH, in a part I wrote just for her!

1 pithy remarks. Click here to Comment:

Anonymous said...

Fucking awesome!!