Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gay Marriage Now Legal in California

At 10:00 am this morning, the California Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing same-sex marriages in the state. The court handed down the decision on Thursday morning which basically overturns the state’s ban on gay marriage.

California only the second state in the U.S. to grant equal marriage rights to same-sex couples.

The good news is we can now get married here. The better news, every homosexual in the fly-over states will move here. The bad think traffic is bad now?!

Wedding planners and divorce attorneys are so happy about this since it means they can now tap into the mighty gay dollar. Meanwhile, Focus on the Family, The Catholic Church and The Mormon Church are now trying to figure out a way to dislodge California from the US land mass and push it out to sea. They are considering cutting out Nevada as well.

In a 4-3 decision, drafted by Chief Justice Ronald George, the court ruled: "In light of the fundamental nature of the substantive rights embodied in the right to marry — and their central importance to an individual's opportunity to live a happy, meaningful, and satisfying life as a full member of society — the California Constitution properly must be interpreted to guarantee this basic civil right to all individuals and couples, without regard to their sexual orientation."

The justices ruled that California's thousands of gay and lesbian families should have the same rights and benefits as their straight friends, family members and neighbors. The ruling will have national implications and will attract international attention.

If you live in Los Angeles, come down tonight to celebrate when Lambda Legal, L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center, NCLR, Equality California, ACLU - the advocacy groups that have been fighting for our rights - hold a vigil at the intersection of San Vicente and Santa Monica Boulevards.

2 pithy remarks. Click here to Comment:

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! Equality has arrived at last. I've been needing an excuse to move to West Hollywood and I can't think of a better one than this. Thanks for posting the good news JD. Who knows, maybe New York will jump on the bandwagon next. A girl can dream, right?

Mark in DE said...


This is great news! I'll be expecting my wedding invitation any day now. You and Moet will finally be able to make honest women of each other!!!

Mark :-)